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Submit comments to the DEC about the Brownfield Program
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Coalition Letter
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Submit comments to the DEC about the Brownfield Program
Dear Mr. Miller:
As a resident of the neighborhood I want to share my concerns about the Draft Remedial Work Plan for the Gowanus Canal Northside Site, Site No. C224080.
The Gowanus Canal Northside Site lies in a high-risk FEMA Flood Zone A.
Any remediation plans that leave behind toxic materials must have a plan to deal with the known potential for those toxins to move inland, in particular because of storm surge and sea level rise.
DEC must address how this brownfield decision will affect the potential of toxins to remain and move through the land, air and water around the site.
Under the New York State Constitution we have a right to clean air, land and water. DEC must assess the impacts of these remaining toxins on our constitutional rights.
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