VoG files Freedom Of Information request regarding National Grid meeting with EPA

It has been a busy year for VoG and we'd like to thank you for your support and staying engaged. 

In our latest news, on December 19th VoG filed a Freedom of Information Act Request with the Environmental Protection Agency in regards to the Gowanus Canal Superfund clean-up. Read Our request letter here

 VoG filed the request after learning of a meeting in Spring of 2023, between EPA Region 2 Administrator Lisa Garcia and her staff, and high level executives of National Grid, the primary PRP (Potentially Responsible Party) polluter of the canal.. 

Is National Grid lobbying the EPA to accept a less robust environmental cleanup of the cancer-causing coal tar pollution from the three former Manufactured Gas Plants (MGP) along the Gowanus Canal? The main contributors of the toxins in the canal.

The concern is that National Grid may be trying to finagle their way out of paying for the cleanup of legacy pollution that they are responsible for.  Can we trust that our government is holding this British owned multinational company fully accountable without dealmaking, compromises or influence? 

The material and correspondence requested in the FOIA are of immense importance to the communityIt will leave vast quantities of cancer-causing material in the ground, which can migrate and volatilize into the surrounding area, which National Grid's studies have already confirmed. (Langan Report). And not remediating more coal tar will compromise the Federal Government’s clean-up of the canal itself.

VoG believes that the community has a right to know what has been discussed and negotiated between EPA Region 2 and National Grid.

As soon as we receive documentation from EPA, we will be sharing it with the community at large.

In 2024, we will continue to fight for a better environmental outcome and protection for everyone in our community from the harmful chemicals which still need to be remediated. 

We will hold our environmental agencies and elected officials accountable and highlight questionable decision-making, which unfortunately seems based more on politics (and $) than on protecting public health. 

If you are able to make a contribution to VoG, it is greatly appreciated and know that your financial support is used to enlist the help of experts and for actions like this.